Gafics Series On Some Outstanding Ghanaians Volume 1 – Paperback Edition

Morove Company

Ghana Association of Former International Civil Servants (GAFICS) is made up of former staff of the United Nations and its specialized agencies, the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, African Development Bank as well as other reputable international organizations. The Association was formed with the objective of contributing to the social and economic development of Ghana by placing the skills and expertise of its members at the disposal of the Government as well as other Ghanaian organizations and institutions. GAFICS has also implemented a number of national and community-level projects over the years.


Ghana Association of Former International Civil Servants (GAFICS) is made up of former staff of the United Nations and its specialized agencies, the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, African Development Bank as well as other reputable international organizations. The Association was formed with the objective of contributing to the social and economic development of Ghana by placing the skills and expertise of its members at the disposal of the Government as well as other Ghanaian organizations and institutions. GAFICS has also implemented a number of national and community-level projects over the years.

One of its current projects is aimed at alleviating the dearth of information on some outstanding Ghanaians by documenting information about them to be able to inspire current and future generations and also ensure that such people are never forgotten. This Publication, GAFICS Series on Some Outstanding Ghanaians, Volume 1, is an output of this project. It covers medical doctors, other scientists, lawyers, other professionals, international civil servants, administrators, a photographer and an entrepreneur in food processing. It also includes both men and women. While a few came from RELATIVELY WELL-TO-do backgrounds in terms of their parents’ occupations and achievements, many were from the opposite end of the spectrum but showed incredible determination, despite the odds, to reach the heights they were able to attain. Apart from several being trailblazers, a number also have held high positions nationally and/or internationally and have left mammoth legacies. Some were multitalented and many demonstrated considerable patriotism which is worth emulating.

– Paperback Edition


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