The book ”Reproach Of African Slavery Must Be Rolled Away” – For 400 years, from the 1450s to 1870s Africans sold between 20—50 million of their youth to Europeans who were sent to the Americas and the West Indies as slaves. They worked in farm plantations, in mines, in construction, as domestic household slaves and other forms of free labour to Europeans and Americans. The people of Israel sold one boy into slavery to one nation, Egypt in one day, and all of them and their ancestors became slaves for 430 years. So what happens to Africans who sold between 20 to 50 million people spanning 400 years? You sell your brother into slavery, you also become a slave.
Although slavery was abolished long ago, this book highlights the atrocities, pain and humiliation our brothers and sisters went through as slaves including the difficult middle passage where millions of them died and were thrown into the oceans. The book also highlights the curse that came as a result of the slavery which is the partitioning of Africa. Our continent was sliced into pieces and the natural boundaries that defined the various ethnic groups as nations and their languages were removed and mixed up by European powers. It also exposes our slave mentality and wilderness mindset which shows in our aid dependent mentality and a begging bowl approach to other people. Today there is no green pasture for blacks all over the world including our home in Africa.
– Paperback Edition
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